Mission statement

Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability

We, the managing director of WM Sport and all employees, are aware of our joint responsibility to manage the company not only economically, but also sustainably and socially responsibly.

Every corporate activity can have positive and negative effects internally and externally. Social and environmental factors not only have an overall social significance, but also influence the success of the company. As a managing director, I have to recognise and take into account the corresponding opportunities and risks in strategy and corporate management.

Code of Conduct

As an internationally active company, we want to ensure that everyone who contributes to our success is allowed and able to fully exercise their human and labour rights.

No one who works with or for us should suffer mental or physical harm. Therefore, this mission statement is the basis of all our internal courses of action and our business relationships.

The claims and minimum standards described in our mission statement are based on the conventions of the International Labour Organisation (ILO / ILO) and all relevant standards of the United Nations.

Our decisions and behaviour should contribute to the standards of conduct set out in this document. Any disregard of this mission statement that comes to our attention will be addressed to the extent of the influence available to us.

We guarantee the implementation of this mission statement in our company. We expect the same from our suppliers and business partners. In cases where national legal regulations are stricter than this mission statement, they will of course apply.

Our employees

We want WM Sport to be and remain an attractive employer, and we want to protect our reputation with customers, suppliers, governments and communities as a company that always strives to do the right thing. For us to succeed, everyone working on behalf of WM Sport must embrace our core values of honesty, integrity, respect and regard for others:

We comply to the best of our knowledge and belief with the laws of the countries in which we maintain business relations, we regard trusting cooperation as the guiding principle of our work, we base business decisions on objective and measurable criteria, we do not accept gifts, regardless of their form.


We are committed every day to being environmentally conscious as a company and to minimising the impact of our operations on the environment through the use of socially responsible and economically viable ways of working. Environmental protection, recycling and energy conservation for clean air, pure water, to reduce waste generation and to renew the earth's natural resources are promoted by us. We comply with all applicable local environmental laws and related legislation.

Responsibility for our employees, the proper use of resources and business knowledge are evident in our sustainability initiative.


Sustainable management is the basis of forward-looking corporate governance. We work comprehensively on the relevant economic, ecological and social issues. We consistently focus on all relevant topics such as climate and energy, resources, quality and consumer protection, demographics and social commitment.

Our suppliers

As a matter of principle, we strive to establish and maintain lasting business relationships with all our business partners. We expect our business partners to respect this mission statement, to comply with social standards and to act in an honest manner in accordance with the law. Our suppliers ensure that this mission statement, or one with corresponding content, is also implemented further down the value chain.


We expect our business partners to comply with the guidelines. We will gladly consult independent audit reports of the supplier for the purpose of control.

For inspection purposes, we or third parties appointed by us are entitled to visit all production and/or storage sites of our business partners and their subcontractors at any time and without prior notice.

If serious violations of fundamental human rights, intentional violations of the Guidelines, systematic fraud and/or persistent lack of cooperation are found, we reserve the right to terminate business relations.

Standard for employment

1. Working environment

All our employees must be treated with respect and dignity. Any form of physical punishment, psychological, sexual or verbal harassment and abuse, and any other form of threat are strictly prohibited. Disciplinary measures must be within the framework of national legislation and internationally recognised human rights..

2. Working hours

Workday working hours must be set in accordance with local laws. In principle, workers may not work more than 48 hours in a regular working week. Overtime - Overtime worked within the limits of the law must be compensated. All employees must normally take at least 24 hours off after six consecutive working days.

3. Remuneration

All employees receive payment for work done during normal working hours that is at least equal to the current legally prescribed wage.

4. Terms of employment

Employment must be based on formal documents such as an employment contract. These documents must provide information on the terms and conditions of employment, including remuneration, pay period, company benefits, holiday entitlement and notice periods.

5. Health & Safety at the workplace

The health and safety of the employee must not be endangered at the workplace. A safe and clean workplace environment must therefore be ensured. Workplace health and safety processes should be promoted so that (near) accidents and injuries at work or as a result of the use of equipment are averted. These processes must be communicated to employees, e.g. through training and instruction.

6. Forced labour

All employees shall take up their work voluntarily and continue employment at their own request. The workplace may be left at any time. Any form of forced labour, bonded labour or prison labour is prohibited.

7. Child labour

In principle, child labour as defined by ILO and UN conventions and national regulations is prohibited. The age limit for permitted employment is not below that of compulsory school age and in no case below 15 years of age (or 14 years of age if permitted by national law in accordance with ILO Convention 138). Each of our suppliers, service providers will be held directly responsible for violations of the prohibition of child labour should they be found in their own production/warehouse facilities or in the production/warehouse facilities of their subcontractors. Regulations for the protection of juvenile workers must also be strictly adhered to.

8. Discrimination

All employees must be treated equally. Discrimination based on gender, religion, nationality, ethnic and national origin, age, race, social background, disability, sexual or political orientation, caste, membership in an employee organisation, or any other personal characteristic will not be tolerated. The provisions of the AGG (General Equal Treatment Act) apply.

9. Freedom of association

The employee has the right to form or join a workers' organisation (or trade union) of their own choice for the purpose of community bargaining. Where national laws restrict the right to freedom of association, workers must be allowed to elect representatives to promote their interests and to communicate directly with their employers.

10. Data protection

Data protection laws protect information about individuals - their personal data. WM Sport respects the personal rights of all employees, customers, suppliers and business partners. WM Sport is committed to handling personal data in a legally compliant and ethically impeccable manner.

11. Corruption

Performance and quality, that is what WM Sport's business relationships and decisions are based on. Accordingly, we never offer any item or service of value, directly or indirectly, to third parties, such as government agencies, suppliers and customers, for the purpose of influencing a business decision of that person or gaining an advantage for our company. Furthermore, our employees do not accept any benefits that could be used to influence business decisions. As a matter of principle, the legal foundations such as the Law on Combating Corruption, the Law on Combating International Bribery and the UN Conventions (UNCAC) must be complied with.

Cooperation and development

In addition to these guidelines, we expect employees and business partners to be cooperative and to show their willingness to support our activities for the concrete development of the guidelines described here.

Even if a violation on the part of the employee or supplier has made it necessary to terminate employment or business relations, we offer our support in finding solutions for difficult situations and for the development of the employee and supplier to enable a resumption of business relations.

We consider it a matter of prudence to allow reasonable periods of time for the development of a partner's performance in relation to compliance with individual points of these guidelines.

Complaints / Questions

We at WM Sport are always available to answer questions on individual points. Should training be required on some topics, this will be supported.

It is appealed to any person who becomes aware of violations of this guideline to contact the workers' representative or the personnel management directly and to inform them in as much detail as possible about the perceived violations. The direct route to the management is always open.


Haltern am See,

Wolfgang Mackewicz